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Получение кода магнитолы в ODIS

В программе ODIS-service выберите “Start Diagnosis”

In the Basic Vehicle Features, select “Manual” for the vehicle identification.

Select “Yes” to perform the diagnosis without guided fault finding

In “Model”, select “Previous Models for Immobilizer-Online”

This selection will automatically set all of the other selections as “All”.

Next, deselect “Work with Guided Fault Finding” box and press the “Apply” button.

Then the “Special Functions” tab will appear

Select “Special Functions” and you will see the “Checking Radio Code” test.

Go to “Perform Test”

Select “OK”

Steps will be carried out:

Input of vin

Input of component group id of radio

Output of radio-pin

Press the “Complete/Continue” button

Enter the VIN in the “Red” box and select “Accept”.

Enter the AUZ number in the “Red” box and select “Accept”.

Enter name in the “Red” box and select “Accept”.

Enter number in the “Red” box and select “Accept”.

Enter the country in the “Red” box and select “Accept”.

Next, data is transmitted online

To do this, a connection must be established:

– connect tester with respective hardware to online network

– next enter your user name and password

– press the “Complete/Continue” button.